225. Durihana Family’s Hawaii Vision Trip
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  Name : durihana Date : 2018-01-27 오후 3:26:57
We took a good rest and spent 8 days in Kailua Kona where people call it, “a heaven on earth” and Waikiki Beach (Honolulu) in Oahu Island with the people who had different place of birth, different culture and way of life. However we became one family only through the love of Christ. I give my thanks to my God and to the people of God who served us during the trip.

Durihana family is waiting for a plane from Incheon airport with excitement after getting a send-off by the rest of our family on 15 Jan 2018.

A beautiful sunset view in Kona.

We give thanks to “Mark Ministry” team and their staff for inviting our family.

“Mark Ministry” team and the staff shared about what love is and what it is to serve through their life story and the trumpet performance.

Steve Klassen's trumpet playing-1

Steve Klassen's trumpet playing-2

Mark ministry Staff (http://www.markcentre.org)

Thank you to the “Mark Ministry” team from Canada who gave us “rest and healing time” for 3 days.

Breakfast in Kona Sheraton Hotel.

Members from Kona Korean Church (Rev. K.M Kim) brought some dishes and food from their home and treated us to lunch in Kahaluu beach.

Kahaluu beach, where we could see-through a crystal clear sea water and various fish.

People from the ‘University of the Nations’ prepared North Korean food for us.

It was Yool’s 100th days since he was born and we celebrated with her mother Eun Shim.

Punaluu Black Sand Beach. (The sand felt like coal dust)

A lizard seemed to understand my love for animal and we became one.

Mokunakoa Church was established in 182,0 has a meaning of “an area obtained from war”

Warm-hearted Yeon Hee who wasn’t able to make it to this trip served us with pizza.

A fantastic view in Waikiki beach and Diamond Head seen far away.

A person who owns a rice cake shop treated us to dinner without telling his name.

Aiea Korean Methodist Church (Rev. HY Kim)

Aiea Korean Methodist Church first morning service (9 AM)

Aiea Korean Methodist Church second morning service (11:30 AM)

Pastor HY Kim (second from the left)

Joo Hee Jo is one of seven directors of ABC News Global Reporters who not only work in Korea but Japan and China. Since 1999, she was a Washington Post correspondent in Korea. She was the envy of many women for her charismatic behavior, including her beauty and an award winning prizes in 2007 for the best documentary, and an award in 1999 for MDDC Best press Awards. She also has an experience as a host in KBS and as a lecturer in YonSei University.


After she heard about us visiting Hawaii she came to see us and took us out for a dinner, to the most famous restaurant, “Willow House”.

Grace of service - Rev. Jae-Eun Lee (Gunnam Church)

Not long ago, I went to Hawaii for a trip with North Korean defectors. I accompanied women who have recently defected from North Korea and women who have defected long ago and settled in South Korea. They have a lot of stories.

Religion is a luxury for defectors who have long lived in the North Korean regime, not only because they find it difficult to get to know God, but because they have to come to adapt and live in another world of ours. For those who had to come over for food and do anything to live, the existence of God is something they want to deny.

As I accompanied the North Korean women for a week, I saw their faces change over time. They began to confess God with their lips and open their heart little by little. They started to have faith in God. How did this happen? It was because of love. There was a Canadian Mission Team who served us during the trip. They devoted themselves to serve us. They gave us relaxation like gifts. I started to notice myself getting brighter playing in the water and eating delicious food.

The team said that they have prepared prayers for us for a long time. And they confessed that serving us is their greatest blessing. It did not make much sense. It sound like a lie to us who have lived in the world that serving others is just considered as “give and take” mind. It is thought to be that someone’s way of doing favours would be to use them.

But I experienced such unconditional service, and doubts and distrusts began to disappear. Any I began to hear the word of God from them. They confessed that they obey God’s word because he told to all believers to look after the poor, widows and neighbours.

Service gives you wisdom. God bless those who serve, and joy and he also bless people who are served. Service leads to changes in life, the fruit of life, and the prospects of life.

Jesus also carried out his ‘service’ when he came to this land to preach God’s gospel to people with closed hearts. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”. (Mark 10:45)

Jesus visited the sick and the demon-possessed, the women and the children, alienated souls and shared the food with them. When he entered Jerusalem to fulfill his father’s will, he entered with a worthless young donkey. He followed God’s will  to his death on the hill of Golgota, and finally became a lamb for us and gave us new life. Jesus did not choose to be on a par with God. He lowered himself to serve us.

We want Christ’s footprints in our lives. If anyone wants to deliver the good news, the one should melt and open other people’s closed hearts like Canadian Mission Team, like Jesus.

The North Korean Women who were served confessed that they would also serve other people. I see how serving other people make them to serve more people. Coffee is a tool to serve people. I hope that the aroma leads to save lives like the scent of Christ in me.

kmctimes 2018.01.24 20:08 webmaster@kmctimes.com

Pastor JE Lee (Gunnam Church) who served us with coffee (Right) and Doctor Park who came to see us from Hilo to hear about North Korean Mission (Middile).

Green Well Farms, where the top 3 coffee is produced.

Kau Coffee farm, it tasted better than Kona coffee.